Friday, January 8, 2010


As I sit here all alone tonight in my little trailor in rural Soutern Kentucky with midnight fast approaching, with the snow flying on a sub zero arctic night that makes the frozen snow now glisten like diamonds. I ponder the question what is happiness? I have searched for it all my life as it has most often alluded me. Is it money? No I really don't think so. Is it possessions? No probably not. Is it having love in your life? Are you kidding? With love comes many disappointments am I not right? Family could it be family? Most families fight and afgue even when they love each other greatly. Is it peace that only God can bring in the knowledge you are safe in his hands. Let's be honest here as well we are often marred in the potters hands before he makes us again a new vessel. Although I have seldom experienced it or have a clue as to where it really lies I know it exists. Now you must ask for yourself what is happiness? While I haven't found it in any of these areas for more than a few precious moments of time. I will still pursue it with an unyielding faith that one day I will forever more possess it.

1 comment:

  1. Stevie...happiness begins with being happy with yourself. Truly understanding yourself, knowing you have gone through everything for a reason and that reason is made you who you are today. Happiness cannot come from others, possessions or money. It comes from within. You have to make a mental decision to be happy. Find the good in things instead of the bad. Make it a point to focus on the good things and let the bad ones 'roll off your back like water off a ducks back' as told to me by my momma. :) <3 It is a decision. You have to make the decision to be happy and stick with it! We all go through times where we are unhappy, but until you sit down and vow to yourself that you are going to be happy, you will only find happiness in things for short periods of time...
