Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The big day is here!!

O.K. we have finally arrived at the big day, the day where we get started on the real story. If you have been following the story then you know that at this time in the story I am 21 years old, I work as a salesmen for a furniture store and sell Real Estate on the side. I live at home with my mother who treats me like dirt, but it's free. I have a best friend named Chris and we have some wacky adventures together. So far there has been no mention of any romance since I fell in love with Jalaine in High School and that is because there had been none. I hadn't been out but with maybe one person since then and that was Cindy Holsomback who I had dated off and on since the 4rth grade. Truth be told I had been much to busy working on my career to even think about a relationship. That summer everything was going great I had the new car, I had a good job and I was feeling very good about myself and my accomplishments, small as they were I was still proud. The only thing I was really upset over was church. I had seen God do a lot of miracles in peoples lives and with the little church itself that I was saved in I loved the little church and thought it was very special. My uncle Vola was still on my mind a-lot and he had come to church quite a bit, Aunt Pam seemed a little more mellow about it as well because at first they thought anyone who said they was a Christian was a wolf in sheep's clothing because they had seen a-lot of that so I knew God was working on them.
I was upset because when I finally decided to join the church which was part of the Church of God of Prophecy out of Cleveland Tennessee this is what happened, I went up to join the church and so did a lady who had been coming for several months very regularly. She was very poor as was practically everyone in the community. The pastor spoke with me and had me to agree to basically living a Godly life, and then he turned to the woman and told her that the church would not allow her to join with a ring on her finger. I saw the woman's face and how she looked so hurt. The way it had been taught and as uneducated as I am sure she was I got a sense that she associated church membership with being saved and ultimately going to Heaven. She began to cry and rub her ring gently with her calloused hands. She looked so pitiful I don't know if it was her wedding ring or not but I knew it was probably the nicest thing she had ever owned. She never spoke a word she just quietly turned and went back to her seat. I vowed from that moment on I wouldn't be back in the Church of God of Prophecy (a vow I will soon break). I put uncle Vola and Aunt Pam in God's hands and with a clear conscience I left.
So everything was going good except I was having trouble finding a church I liked. I had basically quit going to one imparticular church and was what I called church hopping. I had gone with Chris some but he had just left his church when his pastor left and he went to the Waynesburg Church of God of Prophecy (now known as New Life). I told him he was nuts but he didn't listen to me. Good thing too.

One rainy day in early September I was going to work and for some odd reason I took the old way which is a curvy road called 1247. My little Nissan was bad to hydroplane but I was going slow and not really thinking about the conditions of the road when I topped a hill and met a car in my lane! I hit the brakes and immediately I began to fishtail. I honestly thought I was going to die! I had no idea where the other car went or even where I was, but as I sit here I can remember that awesome peace that come over me, that let me know, no matter what even if this was the end I was o.k. Some 15 years later I can still feel that and so I don't fear death as most do. I couldn't have enough money to buy that peace if I owned the whole world! Slam I went right into a tree on my side and the impact was so strong it bent the car's roof and busted the windshield my door was pushed in to the point that it should've gutted me like a fish, but I didn't have a scratch! Which was a miracle!! Now here is a prime example of God working things for our good if I hadn't crashed that day my daughter would not be here! I'll explain a little later. Anyway I made my way to the house at the top of the hill which was the home of a lady who had just bought a new sectional from me and had in the beginning been very snotty with me till I had saved her 400 by telling her of an upcoming sale so she was real friendly now. I called my mother who cussed me black and blue and said "I told you, you couldn't drive a new car. Someday you'll listen". I said "just come get me mother". She said she wouldn't, but she did. I then called work and told them I would be late I had a wreck, then I called a tow truck."Mother arrived about an hour and a half later even though it is about a 3 minute drive as it is only 2 miles away. I had to listen to her mouth now for another 25 minutes as she drove me to work. Oh God what am I going to do now? I can't take this!
Mother owned two cars but I was not allowed to drive either one even though I had paid for the Oldsmobile, so while my car was in the shop she drove me back and forth and I went no where but to work.Chris wasn't allowed to come and visit me so when we would run around I would have to meet him out in the drive. My car was almost totaled and they said it would take about 4 weeks to fix it, when they told me that I liked to died. Oh well I could stand it if I had to, but I was going to miss church cause she wouldn't take me. Chris had offered to take me to church with him but after being such a jerk about him going to the Church of God of Prophecy I just couldn't bring myself to go I mean after all I had vowed right?

Finally after seven weeks it was late October and I couldn't stand it any longer I was spiritually dying I felt so weak I knew I was dieing so one Friday afternoon I called Chris (we had our own phone since I went to work) I told him he was going to have to come get me and take me to church I needed to go bad. Funny I have never felt that way before or since anyway he said "great they are actually having a weekend revival for the young people I will pick you up about 6". I said "fine" too weak to fight anymore. So Chris picks me up in his Nissan Pulsar with his T -Tops out cause it was a pretty warm day and drives me up to the church. We pulled around back and he parked and there she was.

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