Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oh Brother!!!

Yesterday Natalie had a Doctor's visit with her regular doctor because of a wart she had on her foot I learned two interesting things first of all she hadn't seen her primary Doctor in 3 years!!! If the shot questions come up you can be sure that will be mentioned!!! If her problems hasn't took her to the doctor in three years how on earth could they be that serious as to require 3 shots a week!! But anyway that isn't the most important thing, no not at all Teresa has of course been bad mouthing me to Natalie something she does quite frequently even though we are not supposed to do that!! Nat just listens and goes on she knows bull when she hears it but can't say anything for fear she will get in trouble. (poor kid in that environment) Anyway Teresa told Nat that I was running her down to the dogs in this blog. Now while I do not deny that this blog will tell my side of things and how I think Teresa is wrong on some things. My intentions are not to run her down in any way only to express the struggles, aggravation and trouble I have experienced in my life with the focus being on the marriage and divorce. It is a way for me to simply get things off my chest. Things I need to especially since Teresa is unwilling to talk to me. Most of the blog to this point hasn't even been about Teresa, but about my childhood and my relationship with my parents and until recently what had been about her had been about how much I loved her (and always will real love does not go away she is after all the mother of my child and even though she makes me upset I will always love her and if she ever needs anything if I have it she has it). Now two more points nothing I have said or will say will be false in anyway and if Teresa doesn't leave Natty alone and quit fussing at her over something she has no control over anyway then I will tell some things I left out for ol' Teresa's sakes like the Lake Cumberland Resort deal with the rented car and what took place at her parent's home when they were away!!!

Trouble in Paradise!!!

It wasn't but just a few hours into the marriage when I knew in my heart she had no real respect for me when she would completely disregard any requests I made!! Let me tell you people something that are yet to be married the lines are drawn within the first 72 hours of marriage of how things are to play out in the marriage. For example whose going to be the one to make the compromises in situations is exactly the sort of thing I am talking about. Now I know what I am getting ready to say is about something small, but most often it is the small wounds that hurt the most as they are a sign of a much larger problem! Now Teresa worked at the electric company and no joke she saw it as her duty to use as much as electric as possible to support her company. Which would be fine if she worked for a store or something, but you can't boost the electric companies profits single handed!!! But she tried believe me she tried!!! Now, I was extremely nervous and desperately wanted to be a good provider. I had no idea what our expenses would really run as I had always lived at home, and to say I was scared would be an understatement of major proportions. You must also understand I had thought myself invincible financially and then had just recently went through a bankruptcy which was why I was as concerned as I was. So I would ask Teresa several times to please turn off the light if she was leaving the room and was going to be out of there for a while. She would just give me a smile and then completely ignore me!!!! Now I know this doesn't sound like much but to me it was!! I never said a word about it which in hindsight I should have I guess, but I didn't want to start a fight, instead I just let it fester and got more and more upset and hurt over it. Another thing that really hurt my feelings right off the bat was how Teresa would tell me not to touch her computer like I was so stupid I would destroy it by my DNA!!! I admit I was ignorant at the time of computers, but the way she said don't touch it made me feel like she loved it more than she loved me!! By far though the biggest mistake we made right off the bat was.........

Monday, July 26, 2010

Something I want to share!

O.K. let's fast forward the story here to 2004. I am going to share a little information with you that I wanted to wait till it actually occurs in the story, but for the sake of this story which I am hoping Teresa will read I have decided to share it now. While the divorce was going on I worked at Oakwood which is a large (then state run) facility for people with Mental Retardation). One day some co-workers had to take someone to the local emeergency room. While there they came across Teresa's mother. Due to them having a resident with them she asked if they were from Oakwood. When they said yes she asked if they knew me, when they again said yes she told these people who were complete stranges to her that I had left her daughter because she was ill. Well a few days later it was Superbowl Sunday and I had prepared a big party for the people in the home I worked in and invited other homes as well. The party had been going for about an hour and I was on my third round of getting refills on pop, pizza, and snacks when one of the other staff motioned me over and said something to me that made me almost pass out!! He said with a smirky attitude " You look like someone who would leave someone because they're sick!" I know I made a face at first then said huh? He said "I have been watching you for an hour now waiting on these people hand and foot youhaven't asked for help, or had a bite yourself and you are doing this for strangers, you look like you would leave your wife cause you didn't want to take care of her." Then a quick smile broke out over his face and he said that' what your mother in law told me at the hospital the other day. Of course then I understood. He then said I didn't know much about you then so I kept quiet he said but if I ever see her again I'll be sure to tell her SHE'S A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cat is out of the bag!!

Well, it had to happen!! While Natalie was here for the summer she got on my Facebook page (Add me as a friend, Steven Dowell). Anyway Natalie was very upset because Teresa had not called her but at that time once (she called her twice in 5 weeks!) So Natalie sent her a message on Facebook. Well Teresa came back to my Facebook page and saw the links for the blogs. Saturday Nat had to go to after hours because she has a wart on her foot. So Natty told me about this and said she is mad. Well GOOD! Maybe she will learn some things she should know. Teresa if you read this do yourself and Nat a favor read the entire thing. Then you will know that I loved you, I will always love you (even when I can't stand you). And that you are making some huge mistakes in your life. The more you try to keep Natty and me apart the more you will bring us closer together.

I also just want to say this being hateful towards me is useless! It is also extremely petty and immature. And ignoring me altogether when we are in front of Nat also extremely juvenile!! You should also know that telling Natalie I am a sinner because I wear shorts is crazy, Uh hello hatred and bitterness and unforgiveness these are all things that WILL keep you out of Heaven. Also quit lying to the kid and telling her I just left you. No one that knows me believes that and Natty knows me!!

Friday, July 23, 2010

We finally won one!!!

Now first of all let me say I know that this is not a competition between Teresa and me, but in everything I have ever tried to do for Natalie it has been a disaster, and that is why yesterday was such an important day!!! Teresa has always tried to keep me in the dark about Natalie's medical needs. She purposefully schedules appointments at times when she knows I have to work. If they are not scheduled then often times she will reschedule them at the last minute so I end up missing them. Now this isn't the case every time but it is more often than not. Anyway several years ago Natalie was diagnosed with Asthma even though she has never had anything ever that even remotely resembled an asthma attack. Anyway on Natalie's last visit they recommended her taking allergy shots for the next several years starting out at the rate of three a week!! This even though the child's lungs are much stronger than before and she no longer has a runny nose problem. I was strongly against this!! So that made Teresa strongly for it of course. Since the appointment to decide this was during my work I called and tried to reschedule it. At first they said the only other available time was going to be a month later and during school hours which Teresa would never agree to. So I went down there and told them I would not give consent for Natalie to have the shots and showed them I had joint custody. They basically told me it didn't matter if the mom was for it they would proceed. So I told them I would sue them if I could and I would be talking to an attorney!! Big bluff by the way I can't afford an attorney and every time I have went to court I have lost with or without an attorney anyway. So I did the only thing I could do after that I prayed which I always do but even that just never seems to work out. But this time God heard my prayer and spared my daughter's feelings. Teresa called me on Wednesday night at work and told me the appointment had been changed to Thursday at 10:40. I thought how odd!!! So when we get there Teresa is even there she usually never comes and Natalie is brought by Teresa's mother. I was looking for a terrible fight but it never came. When we went into the Doctor's office and she came in. Natalie very plainly told the doctor that she wasn't having any problems. Teresa was still contesting saying she needed them, of course I supported Natalie saying I had just had every day for five weeks straight but three and had seen no problems, then when the doctor seemed confused I said well me too if Natalie is having problems at her grandparent's house it maybe because they are building a new addition and letting Natalie actually help with the construction and you all diagnosed her with allergies to dust.. Ooh Teresa got mad, but she shut up.When it was all over I hugged Nat and whispered in her ear we did it!!!!

As Promised The Honeymoon Begins!!!

O.K. now picture it, we just got married at the courthouse in a forbidden by our parents service. Teresa is so full of remorse she looks like she might barf at any moment. My head is literally spinning with feelings of joy, worry, fear, happiness, wonder and truthfully a little hurt. Now what should two kids in love who were just married run off and do? You already guessed it we went to the bank!!! Yes that's right the bank!! After all attaching Teresa's name to my account is the most important thing we could do right then at that moment right!!! This was a very good sign of things to come by the way! Once that was all over I bet you'll never guess what we did next. Well I'll tell you did you ever notice that picture of us on the home page? Well that is what we did next we went and had our picture made!! I know hot right? Not!!!! Finally after all that we made our way back to our little love nest where we had our reception. There was a total of three people present other than ourselves. The only people with enough guts to show up from church was Ken Hamilton and his family. They never had gotten along with Teresa's family and truth be told it may have been they showed up only to spite them. It really doesn't matter what the reason I was just glad they were there so some one could film it. We had a cake and punch and a fight!! Yes a fight that's right. Why you ask? Well because I am a very old fashioned guy and I followed the tradition of stuffing cake in the brides face! For which I was screamed at in front of everyone (all three people). I saw Fonda give Ken a look at that moment I have never forgotten. The look said "he is in for a hard life". If she could have only known what the years would bring I think instead of just a look she would have come right out and said it! So after about an hour of all that fun (laugh right out loud) the hamilton family left. Now I am a gentleman and I am sure that my daughter will read this thing after I die, so let mejust say this it wasn't but a couple of hours after I knew Teresa had no respect for me when she.........

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Big changes!!

As I said yesterday there is going to be some big changes in the blogs. As many of you know there are a total of 6 blogs right now with two blogs having already been eliminated. I have thought long and hard on this and have reached a decision. Due to those blogs falling way short on hits in comparison to my life story blog. I am goin to eliminate them as well and from now on any posts that I would do on those subjects will now be posted on the a fathers fight site. Now because of this I will be posting much more often than what I had been hopefully daily posts will be made in fact. I do not want to let this information be overlooked, and Natalie has two doctor appts today and one of them Teresa and I have fought over like cats and dogs so I am so so sorry but that is all for today, but I promise unless smething drastic happens tomorrow will be a new post about the honeymoon so stay tuned!!!!

What a Day!

Well we shot well over 10,000!! In anticiaption of me coming back we had almost 100 hits yesterday..... from all over the world!!! Places like Milan Italy for crying out loud. Back home we had cities like Washington D.C. and Orlando Florida!! Thank you to everyone who clicked in!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We are only 34 hits away from hitting a total of 10000 hits!!

I'll Live Again

A new friend and faithful from reader from Louisville Kentucky sent me this in an email and I love it so much I decided to share it here! Thank you so much Bette!

I am back!!!


I just can't thank all of you all enough for continuing to click in, way to go Buncombe County North Carolina!!! And to all the rest of you too! I have some big plans in store that will mean some big changes, but I need to get all of my facts straight on my next post involving the story and need to decide which way to go with things. I will decide based upo how many clicks I receive today, so be sure to check in tomorrow, because all will be revealed then!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Natalie is coming back home today fom her mothers. I will not have any more posts till July 21st. Please don't forget about me!

Happy 4rth of July!

I just wanted to wish you all a Happy 4rth!

Thanks to a Special Reader

I have noticed that I have been getting regular hits for some time now from West Chester Ohio and Louisville Kentucky and I just wanted to say a special Thank you. I have also been getting quite a few hits from Ferguson, Kentucky. I think that might be someone who knows me since it's so close to home, but I sure do appreciate it and thank you all. My analytics tell me if a hit is from a new reader or not if you are wondering how I know these things.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Wedding Day Part Two

Teresa wasn't coming out of her apartment! Had she changed her mind?!? After she threw stuff at me last night and I still agreed to marry her was SHE going to dump ME now!! I started breathing heavily and thought you know this might all be for the best. Anytime I get in a bad spot I go back to Romans 8:28 in the Bible. I truly believe that all things even hard things benefit us in some way. It is how I keep my sanity, but anyway I was about to either blow the horn or turn around and go home I hadn't decided when Teresa came rushing out. She was as white as a ghost. The car ride was a sign of things to come silent and awkward! We of course both wanted a church wedding more than anything but because of Teresa's parents being so against us we didn't dare try and have one. We decided we would go to the courthouse and be married by the County Judge. Actually Teresa decided this which was another sign of things to come. The only family I had there was my cousin Kathy who worked at the time downtown close to the courthouse and a lady she worked with named Carol. That was it just the two needed witnesses.Afterward Kathy took a picture of Teresa that haunts me to this day even though I have no wedding pictures I can not erase it from my mind. It is a picture of Teresa sitting on a bench with a look on her face of sheer well the best way to describe it is terror, agony and disgust all wrapped up in one. That picture will always symbolize for me the turmoil she was facing for marrying a man she didn't love. Let me explain this to you. Teresa and I belonged to the Church of God of Prophecy. The little one room church where I was saved was of that denomination and so was the church where I met Teresa and she had grown up in that church. They were a very strict pentecostal church with two big hang ups or No No's or whatever you want to call it. 1. No Jewelry (Teresa's mother cried when her son had a ring for his wedding she thought they would go to Hell for it) (no joke!) and 2 even more serious was No Divorce this was the cardinal sin!! The blasphemy sin I call it. To give you an idea of the seriousness of it once when I was attending Tateville and we had no Pastor the lady that was seeing over things went to visit her son in Arizona and as the only other tithe payer at the time she put me in charge of the church I was given strict orders I could allow anyone anyone at all in the pulpit except someone who was divorced!! That's right a murderer could be forgiven and fit to preach, a rapist, even a child molester but not someone divorced!! Stupid? I agree they have since changed their teachings, but that's not the point I only told you this to let you know how strongly Teresa believed divorce was wrong.So you see, seeing that picture just confirms what I have suspected all along Teresa by marrying me was doing something that she believed could and probably would affect her entire eternity. When I think back on it our wedding day was so stupid! Would you believe the first thing we did was..........

Could this be the week?

Exactly 6 months and two weeks ago I started this blog. After about two or three weeks I learned how to get a site counter and since then I have added a total of7 other blogs, and discontinued two of those. I have counters on all of them and this week they should reach a total of 10,000 hits!! I am amazed and humbled by this. I have had readers from all over the world! Most every state in America have had people to click in. More than 20 foreign countries with regular readers from Moscow and Frankfurt (Germany). I want to thank everyone who clicks on this.It is such an encouragement to me to see people take an interest in me and my story.