Friday, February 19, 2010

Another new job.... the most important one so far!

Finally, after 6 weeks of interviews all over Kentucky I got a job with Clayton Homes in Stanford. I was excited because according to my interviewers this job paid about 40 to 50,000 a year! That was about twice as much as the furniture store, plus I thought it would be great for leads on Real Estate. Shew my money problems were over, and I was a big success with a great job, that I vowed to never quit, my money problems were over right?! Man was a naive kid or what! The job was of course commission only, and while some salespeople did make good money, some did not. My weekly check was called a draw and came out of what I sold, even worse it was only for minimum wage! Nobody told me I would start off in the whole for minimum wage! Oh crap is the only way to describe my emotions at the time! I can't make it on minimum wage! What if I don't sell anything do I have to pay the draw back? I was getting my education the hard way!! What if this was a big scam like the vacuum cleaners? I had no choice again, but to stick it out and see if people really bought these new mobile homes. I loved getting to see all the new homes I was living in moms 12 by 48 1973 trailor and these new 95 models were so much nicer than how we lived I wondered if maybe someday we could get one.
My first Saturday I sold a used house and made like almost 400, course by the time I got paid I owed it in draw. So that's how it went for the first 6 weeks or so, I would sell it and by the time it closed and then all the paperwork was approved and I could actually get paid it just went to pay my draw back. Still I knew I was onto something here. I was good at this and I LOVED IT! The only problem was my money was gone and by the time I bought gas and lunch and dinner I had nothing to pay my bills with, now what!

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