Well, it had to happen!! While Natalie was here for the summer she got on my Facebook page (Add me as a friend, Steven Dowell). Anyway Natalie was very upset because Teresa had not called her but at that time once (she called her twice in 5 weeks!) So Natalie sent her a message on Facebook. Well Teresa came back to my Facebook page and saw the links for the blogs. Saturday Nat had to go to after hours because she has a wart on her foot. So Natty told me about this and said she is mad. Well GOOD! Maybe she will learn some things she should know. Teresa if you read this do yourself and Nat a favor read the entire thing. Then you will know that I loved you, I will always love you (even when I can't stand you). And that you are making some huge mistakes in your life. The more you try to keep Natty and me apart the more you will bring us closer together.
I also just want to say this being hateful towards me is useless! It is also extremely petty and immature. And ignoring me altogether when we are in front of Nat also extremely juvenile!! You should also know that telling Natalie I am a sinner because I wear shorts is crazy, Uh hello hatred and bitterness and unforgiveness these are all things that WILL keep you out of Heaven. Also quit lying to the kid and telling her I just left you. No one that knows me believes that and Natty knows me!!
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