Sunday, May 30, 2010

Our little Doll House Today

What a shame the house came to the same awful end as the marriage did.

Pictures of our home

I will soon be uploading pictures of our first home, it once was so beautiful and now it is in shambles. It has been repossessed no doubt and it is in terrible shape. The door is open and I went in the other day and left in tears.

New Book

I have started writing a new book, I am still writing on Unfair Justice, but I have started writing one on Avonlea (my favorite show of all time) It is going very well and I am on Chapter 4. I have about 13 percent done based on how many words in a typical book. I just wanted to share this with you all as I have contacted Kevin Sullivan the man who produced and directed Avonlea, now I doubt very seriously I will hear back from him especially since in all interviews he is expressly said he is through with the series, but maybe there is one chance in a million. I just got to get to work and get it finished.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Special Hello

From Time to Time I get readers from other countries but I have noticed that I have a regular reader in Moscow,Russia and I just wanted to say Hello personally and thank you for clicking in!

To all of you from New York City, all the way out to Los Angelas I appreciate all of you so much!

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Miracle and the Curse

As I pulled out of the parking lot all flustered and crying thinking that God had decided that all my dreams were being ripped out from under me, and after just going through the heartbreak of a bankruptcy at 22 this was more than I could bare. I was approxiamtely 3 miles from my hoe with my mother. I will never forget driving the same stretch of road that I had wrecked on which had led me to Teresa in the first place. My eyes were so red and teary eyed I nearly missed the For Sale sign on the little house not one half mile from home. I had been looking far and wide in hopes of getting as far away from home as possible.Still the second I saw it I knew it was the house for us. It had been a store and a post office about 100 years ago, but it was completely new and totally redone. It was a very small 2 bedroom house, but it was so nice, and it had all the appliances even a washer and dryer which was perfect for us since we had nothing. It had a wrap around covered porch that I loved and to me it was perfect. The man (a preacher) that had remodeled the house lived next door and when he saw me on the porch admiring the flower beds he came out and let me in. The house was only 26500 and it was I thought it was perfect. He grilld me hard about who we were and what kind of neighbors we would be which let me know it would be a good area. I got back in the car and Thanked God for sending us this house, but why did it have to be so close to my mother. Now to see what Teresa thinks about it. I was so disappointed when........

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Who Am I

Tonight my friends God is doing something in me I can't explain, but if you check this and the other blogs you will see some of the videos and internet postings he has used tonight to bless me. As I sit here at my keyboard at now almost 2:30 in te morning I am wet from all the tears I have cried as it has felt like God has poured a bucket of love, forgiveness, peace, joy and mercy ovr my head! If you don't know the Lord as your personal savior just ask him onto your heart and he will come in and then you will feel this way too!

I am Sheltered in the Arms of God

I want you to know it's no accident you clicked in to this site. Today it was God reaching out to you. All you have to do to be saved is ask God in your heart, say you are sorry for your sins and that Jesus is the son of God and you believe he died for your sins but he arose three days later victorious over death, hell and the grave and with that you have changed your eternity!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The EnGAGement

O.K. I know it's a old joke that the word gag is in engagement, but in this case it is exactly right. The next few months were horrible for both Teresa and me. Now that it was official both our mothers were really well themselves. Both thought that if they protested, nagged, bossed and demanded enough that we would fold and finally give in. Now of course I can't speak for Teresa but for me that just added fuel to the fire. I know that this is stupid, but it was just like my first new car story, anytime that woman told me not to do something, or that I couldn't do something it just made me that much more determined to do it. So for me this was really nothing new just maybe a little more intense. Now for Teresa a person who had never defied her mother this was a big deal a very big deal. Still I have to say through it all she stood her ground and I know that it was probably one of the hardest thins she had ever done in her life.
Now both Teresa and I wanted to find a house to buy before we got married and because I had filed recently for bankruptcy it would have to be at east initially in her name only, which I did not like that idea obviously but there was no way around it and I justified it to myself by saying the bankruptcy was in a way her fault because I had followed her advice. At least that is the way I justified it to myself. But I had said deep in my heart that if it truly was God's intention for us to be married we would be able to find a home we could afford that was nice and one Teresa would approve of, which was going to be like a miracle on a 44,000 budget, but if we were meant to be together it would all work out. So having a background in real estate I went on a search. Let me tell you I searched our entire county over for weeks on weeks and nothing even close to what Teresa would approve of or I would want even remotely showed itself. I never will forget being in total and utter despair thinking that this woman of my dreams was not in God's plan for my life because he had not provided a home for us. I pulled into a parking lot on my way home and I began to call out to God and remind him of his word. I felt some relief as I pulled out, I couldn't believe what happened next!

Friday, May 14, 2010

The Heat is on!

O.K. now I had done it! I had went and proposed and Teresa had gone and accepted and it was like now the gloves were off. Neither her parents or my mother wanted us to marry and it was clear now to both of them that this was going to happen if they did not intervene. Both had different approaches, Teresa's parents who had basically disowned her came back into her life buying her this and buying her that. They have always known they could buy her affection or devotion or obedience or whatever. But the money of course would come with strings attached and for the only time in my life I saw Teresa purposefully mislead her parents and take their money with no intention of going through with their demands. I say parents but really it was just her mother's doing, but her father goes along with whatever she says so he is responsible to. I keep thinking one day he will man up and tell her what's what but it hasn't happened yet and it's been more than 15 years.
Now my mother of course would never use bribery or being nice oh no! My mother as always thought she could cuss and fuss her point view into my head. Yo know for years I told my mother I don't want to hear any fussing I won't listen to it. All for naught. I can honestly say I have never met anyone like my mother. She has been dead now for more than 5 years and I can't mourn her. In so many ways it was a relief when she passed now don't misunderstand I didn't wish her dead and I certainly didn't wish the agony on her that he faced with Cancer, but bear in my mind I have no good memories in all of the almost 32 years we shared except for one when I was 15 when she told me she was proud of me. I can't remember now what all she said those few months of engagement we had. I have most likely blocked it out as I have tried so hard to do with so much of my experiences with her, but I do remember vivdly that those months of engagement were pure Hell living with her, it's funny now and I hate to admit of course and wouldn't dare if she were still alive, but in the end in so may ways despite her rough gloom and doom talk...... She was right!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

I just want to wish all of you special ladies out there a very special Mother's Day including the lady that gave me the most special gift of my life. Teresa may you have the grandest Mother's Day ever.

Youtube channel

I have a hilarious new Youtube channel, that can be viewed by going to and searching under nattysdaddy1. Give it a try!

The Proposal

So the next significant thing that happened between Teresa and myself would have to be the Proposal. I had finally reached a level of success at Clayton's in fact I was one of their top ten men. I was making more money in fact then than I do now. Teresa had moved out into that tiny apartment so I thought she was ready to go on to the next step. I began to plan how I could do it in a manner worthy of her and impressive enough to her so that she would say yes when it hit me. There was a new Limousine company in our town, so of course, I had to do it in style! I dressed up to the nines in my big long wool coat, suit and tie the whole nine yards. I was burning up, not to mention so nervous I might vomit any second and ruin everything (literally). So I showed up to Teresa's job at the local electric company just in time to whisk her away! All the women were all a buzz when they saw the big white limo pull up. I had spent so much on that thing I never even thought to have flowers or anything else for her (besides she may so no so no sense in spending it all) We went for a lovely drive, but I had no clue as to where to go, I mean here I was to ask the lady I loved to marry me, but I had no idea where we were going. We ended up driving to the local state park Burnside Island and there amongst the beautiful scenery I got down on one knee in the car, took her hand and asked her to be my wife. And I swear I meant for it to be for forever. I closed my eyes, my stomach in knots and waited for the worst, not half believing it when she said yes! As we pulled out of the park I had the driver stop at the Restaurant I had owned at 19 with my uncle who had since bought the building and employed all my aunts. I stopped off to show off both my bride and my ride! I was like a wild man screaming over and over "she said yes!" As we went up the highway and passed the Somerset Clayton Homes I saw a friend of mine Mike Caudill out on the lot and I literally hung out of the car screaming I am getting married, I honestly don't think I paid any attention to Teresa after she consented. I was in such shock that I was in my own little world. It was as if I had won the lottery! We arrived back at Teresa' job and I wantd some sugar, but Teresa would not consent there in the parking lot for people to see, that should've been a clue, but no not o me I was in lala land!

The next installment

I have thought long and hard about what I would need to include next. There is a story I could tell here that would be quite significant in revealing the true character of Teresa, but I feel it may be unwise to include it here for legal reasons. Lord knows Teresa has no problem with dragging me into court and this may well be a matter she would do that over, so for now we will forgo it, however I promise if I get a book deal and the publisher's o.k. it I will put it in because I KNOW it would make for good reading.....cause it's juicy!

Friday, May 7, 2010


I have Natalie this weekend and she hates me on the computer, so I caught her asleep and snuck on here. Since Sunday is Mother's Day she will be leaving Sunday morning so I will update all blogs then. Thank you as always for clicking in!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Natalie won her Science Fair Yesterday! I just had to share it!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wedding Day Photo

Were my glasses really this big? This was us on August the 5th 1996. We are almost to that point in the story only a couple or maybe three more posts till we get to the wedding and the story really takes off I can't believe it has taken me over 4months and 120 posts just to get to this point!

Monday, May 3, 2010


We are coming up on 7,500 total hits! Thank you guys and gals so much and keep clicking in!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What an Awesome Thought

It really is an awesome thought to me that over 4000 times this site has been clicked on, by people all over the world. I am humbled to think that my words are touching people. I also think it would be so amazing if some publisher, or producer saw the stories from the poll and wanted to pursue them.Just last week I got two emails frm New York City so maybe it could happen those kind of people live in places like that. So just keep clicking in and I 'll keep telling it. Just think all I really have to do is find the right words.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Famous Fried Chicken Story!

O.K. folks, here it is my famous fried chicken story, not long after Teresa moved out she wanted to fix Dinner for me one Friday night, an idea that both shocked and amazed me for several reasons. One that she cared that much, two that she had even thought of it as a nice gesture and three that it was cooking Teresa had never cooked anything in her life to that point. Oh wait before I get to deep in the story I should point out that by the end of our marriage Teresa had turned into a wonderful cook (that is when you could get her to). Anyways I arrived at the apartment and was told not to lift a finger just kindly wait in the living room and she would take care of everything. This attitude was so unlike Teresa and so refreshing that I would've walked across hot coals if she had asked me. She had aid earlier that she would have it ready when I got there at 7 so I figured I wouldn't have to wait long, but after 45 minutes and several are you o.k. in theres finally Teresa said ever so sheepishly "can you come here a minute?" I got up knowing there was trouble but I was ready for anything. I went in the kitchen and up to the stove cautiously. Teresa raised the lid off the skillet and said "what's wrong with this"? I looked and couldn't believe what I saw........

Oh how I wish I could do a cliffhanger here!

Teresa had put a whole chicken right out of the package in the skillet. She didn't cut it up, she didn't bread it,she hadn't thawed it why she hadn't even put any grease in the skillet. I couldn't believe it, but I knew I had to tread lightly here one wrong word and that hot skillet would undoubtedly find itself upside my head. So I just said oh that's ok I didn't really want fried chicken anyway let me take you out like you deserve for a nice steak dinner. She never knew but it meant so much to me she had at least made the effort. I didn't care what the outcome was I had worked in restaurants enough to know how to cook anyway. This is one of the very few times Teresa has ever shown any sign that she cared. So while it is amusing it is also very precious to me,but my Lord you should've seen that poor bird!

There were only two other gestures that really stood out to me and one of those was she just let me buy a Lincoln I really wanted (which she later used as a reason for our divorce she said I traded cars too often) The other was she dedicated this song to me. I tell you it is really extremely appropriate and it has meant more to me than anything else Teresa ever did except of course give me Natalie.